2023-2024 Community Council

For the 2023-2024 school year, Horizon received $102,399.00 from the School LAND Trust Program.

View Horizon Elementary School’s Teacher and Student Success Plan 2023-2024 here.

View Horizon Elementary School’s LAND Trust School Plan 2023-2024 here.

View Horizon Elementary School’s Final Report for 2021-2022.

Horizon Elementary School’s Final Report for 2022-2023 will be posted here when available.

Meeting Information:

Meetings will be held in person. If a meeting is held via Zoom and a constituent or community member wishes to participate, they should email Principal Ball no later than 24 hours before the start of the meeting to be sent the Zoom link. All meeting agendas will be posted on the website one week before the meeting. Minutes will be posted within one week of the meeting.

View our School Community Council Rules of Order and Procedure

MCSD Safe Technology and Digital Citizenship Report

Horizon’s School Community Council for 2023-24

Parent Members

  • Natalie Day (natpiliday@gmail.com) – (year 2)
  • Susan Marshall (susannjones1@gmail.com) – (year 1)
  • Margarita Morales (mmandmmorales@msn.com) – (year 1)
  • Stacey Orton (stacey.b.orton@gmail.com) – (year 1)
  • Adah Shumway (adahshumway@hotmail.com) – (year 1)
  • Camilla Dahle (mothygerson@hotmail.com) – (year 1)


Employee Members

  • Mindy Ball – Principal
  • Jaymie Cushing– (year 1)